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Twelve Virtues of the Heart

Twelve Virtues of the Heart Virtue is the calling in of new energies and of a new vibratory rhythm so that the soul becomes the positive controlling factor and the soul forces supersede those of the bodies. ( White Magic, p. 203).

This is done by the use of the twelve energies of the heart. There are twelve spiritual qualities which can be substituted for the material values of the personality.

Therefore, ponder on them and seek to develop them. In addition to the familiar thoughts and ideas which will come to you, there are secondary meanings which are of real significance to the disciple. Endeavor to find these ( Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, p. 660)

1. Group Love embracing individuals. Leads to group cooperation / group consciousness

2. Humility signifying your personality attitude and awareness of your exact place on the ladder of perfection.

3. Service indicating your soul’s preoccupation.

4. Patience signifying the embryonic immortality and persistence which is a soul characteristic; an awareness that you are an immortal and infinite being.

5. Life or expressed activity (Labor) which is the manifestation of love because it is essential dualism. It is an endeavor to live the life of the soul; to bring into manifestation Divine Will.

6. Tolerance which is the first expression of buddhic understanding.

7. Identification with others which is embryonic fusion, carried eventually to synthesis when the head center is developed.

8. Compassion - the right use of the pairs of opposites. See things as others see them.

9. Sympathy which is the consequence of knowledge and of the unfoldment of the knowledge petals. It concerns our relations to others.

10. Wisdom which is the fruit of love and indicates the awakening of the love petals of the egoic lotus. It is love expressing itself in service.

11. Sacrifice which is the giving of the heart’s blood or life for others.

12. Light or radiation, the effect of the interplay between the life and the environment.

12. Gratitude ?(suggested by Torkom Saraydarian) – the appreciation of life’s gifts to you ( air, oceans, your consciousness, your future, beauty, etc.) See Flame of the Heart by Torkom Saraydarian for more techniques on cultivating the virtues of the heart. The virtues are outer symbols or mantras for spiritual energies.

As you meditate on them you build that vibration into your aura and eventually embody the virtue. Virtues literally transmute the substance of your bodies and eventually make you radiant.

“You must, however, bear in mind that these centers are brought into activity by the cultivation of certain major virtues, and not by meditation or concentration upon the centers. They are brought automatically into the needed radiatory condition by right living, high thinking and loving activity. These virtues may seem to you dull and uninteresting, but they are most potent and scientifically effective in bringing the centers into the desired radiatory activity.

When the task is done, and when all the centers are living spheres of outgoing, radiatory activity, they swing into each others' orbit so that the initiate becomes a center of living light and not a composite of seven radiant centers. Think on this.” (Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, p.175) 1 Twelve Virtues of the Heart

1. Group Love embracing individuals. Love for many people, is not love at all but a mixture of the desire to love and the desire to be loved, plus a willingness to do anything to show and evoke this sentiment. True group love involves participation in the group quality: to participate and yet stand free from weakness; to recognize that the achievements or failure of the individual group members are entirely their own affair; to share and yet not be dominated by the powerful thoughts of the more potent group members; to understand group situations and problems. Group love is silent and uncomplaining, non-critical and steadfast.

2. Humility signifying your personality attitude. There is a spiritual arrogance which masks itself behind a cloak of humbleness. Therefore refuse to accept anything which has personality implications or which sets its recipient apart and produces exclusiveness. True humility involves right proportion, a balance view point, dispassion , and truthful recognition of assets as well as debits. It includes the ability to recognize error and to admit mistakes, the determined facing of the factual life and the stern recognition of truth –coldly, calmly and dispassionately.

3. Service indicating your soul’s preoccupation. Service is the natural spontaneous expression of the indwelling soul life; it is in fact the outstanding characteristic of the soul. Service is the urge to group good; it cannot therefore be imposed upon a person as a desirable evidence of aspiration. It is the first real effect of the fact that the soul is beginning to express itself in outer manifestations. The service of the disciple it to the Plan, to those whom the Plan serves, and to those who serve the Plan, and in that order.

4. Patience signifying the embryonic immortality and persistence which is a soul characteristic. The patience of the soul, as of the Hierarchy, is limitless. It is based on the right understanding of time, the inevitability of the evolutionary process, and conviction as to the beneficence of the universe. Experience is the only true teacher, and a patient man is a worker of vast experience. Have patience. Endurance is one of the characteristics of the soul. The soul persists, knows itself immortal; the personality becomes discouraged, knowing that time is short.

5. Life or expressed activity (Labor) which is the manifestation of love because it is essential dualism. Life is loving synthesis in action. It is the endeavor to live the life of the soul. It is the difference between knowing and doing. It is the taking of spiritual values and principles and transforming them into a working hypotheses. We take them into daily life and live them in the crucible of human experience.

6. Tolerance which is the first expression of buddhic understanding. Tolerance is the assuming the attitude of the Onlooker, who sees all people and happenings through the light of love and from the angle of the eternal values. For the disciple, it is the willingness to let others serve as seems best to them, knowing that the life flowing through the individual server must find its own channels and outlets, and that direction of those currents can be dangerous and prevent the rendering of the intended service. 2 3

7. Identification with others which is embryonic fusion, carried eventually to synthesis when the head center is developed. Identification with the soul, the inner reality, leads to the recognition of the souls in all forms. This is the basis of the science of the soul and leads a man to know his own soul and the soul in every form of divine life. “The sons of men are one and I am one with them.” It lead to participation - consciously and constructively undertaken – in the life actions and reactions of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.

8. Compassion which is essentially the right use of the pairs of opposites. This leads to inclusiveness and “the power to see things as others see them”. Through compassion, a man is no longer occupied with his own selfish interests but enters into and suffers with his brother; he can adapt his vibration so that it responds to his brother’s need; he is able to share in all that is taking place in his brother’s heart. Compassion is the practical ability to identify oneself with another in all the prevailing conditions.

9. Sympathy which is the consequence of knowledge. Sympathy concerns our relations to others. It is conscious intelligent love; the results of linking mind and heart.

10. Wisdom which is the fruit of love and indicates the awakening of the love petals of the egoic lotus. It is love expressing itself in service. All wisdom is knowledge gained by experience and implemented by love; it is love in manifested activity. Knowledge deals with the ascertained and the effectual in the material world whereas wisdom deals with the inherent capacities and possibilities of spiritual expression. Wisdom reveals the world of meaning which lies behind the outer form.

11. Sacrifice which is the giving of the heart’s blood or life for others. The only true sacrifice is that which is self-initiated. Sacrifice is not so much a giving up as a giving; it is the impulse of giving. The urge to sacrifice, to relinquish this for that, to choose one line of conduct and thus sacrifice another line, to lose in order eventually to gain –such is the underlying story of evolution. It is the urge to salvage and to sacrifice in order to redeem. It is the spontaneous relinquishing of long held ideals when something greater and more inclusive presents itself.

12. Light/or radiation, the effect of the interplay between the life and the environment. The soul is light essentially, both literally (from the vibratory angle) and philosophically (from the angle of constituting the true medium of knowledge). In addition, the soul is light symbolically, for it is like the rays of the sun which pour out into the darkness. There is a truly esoteric significance to the words “ to throw the light” upon a problem, a condition or a situation, for it is the means whereby the underlying principle is revealed and the idea is presented. “In that light shall we see Light.” ( Norman and Josephine Stevens) Gratitude? Is the ability to appreciate the gifts of life given to your ( the air, the sky, the ocean, beauty in all its forms, your consciousness, your future..etc.) ( The Flame of the Heart by Torkom Saraydarian)

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